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Manly Man Cow Panels were originally designed for the commercial buffalo industry. That is about all that needs to be said as far as a descriptor of what these panels are built to do. They are constructed from retired oil drilling pipe which is both resilient and capable. Double J Manufacturing is the design and build company for these items. They have a template system to assemble the components which requires lots of welding but also holes to thread the sucker rod through the center of the pipe rather than welding onto the top of the pipe. This makes for a much stronger, better tied together product.


All panels are designed to stand on legs rather than having to be planted in the earth. The portability factor is a huge advantage for feed lot design and cleaning. The size of the panels allows them to flex reducing injury to animals but they won’t bend, break, or move. The pipes allow for construction of feed mangers, corrals, windbreaks, adjustable alleyways, and bale feeders for both round and square bales. The chain latch system allows for quick locking of the panels together making them a no assembly or tools required arrangement.


Finally, these are heavy duty both in durability and weight. A front end loader is needed to move them. They are not inexpensive due to the material used and the time required to assemble. But they will last for your grand children’s, grand children. We often hear bull owners complain about how their bulls use the other guy bale feeders as push toys rather than feeders. You will never hear that said of our bale feeders.

24' Panel
25' Windbreak
25' Windbreak & Calf Shelter
24' Feed Manger
Square Bale Feeder
3 Bale Feeder
8' Gate
12' Gate
14' Gate
16' Gate

*pricing subject to change

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